Empowering you with Wild Pup Adventures’ unique tools and methods so you and your dog can live life to the fullest.

Learning & Training

Online Learning Courses

PupScouts Academy

Video Analysis


WPA supports your goals for living the best possible life with your dog. We want dogs to be an integral part of your activities, trips, and adventures. A shared goal for everyone who participates in our programs is to help their dog become the best version of themselves possible. Our curriculum covers both basic and advanced topics for adventure dogs so they can travel with you, enjoy off-leash freedom in appropriate settings, safely participate in sports activities, and respond to a wide variety of essential commands.

Learner-Centered Dog Training™

A philosophical thread weaves its way through every single Wild Pup Service: relating to every single dog as an individual. This means each dog, just as each person, has learning needs unique to them. Learner-Centered Dog Training is flexible, dynamic, and realistic. It relies on patient observation of the dog’s micro-movements which indicate how the dog is feeling, thinking, and learning. This method leads to deep connection and excellent training results.

Online Learning

Enjoy the best life possible with your dog. Wild Pup Adventures’ effective methods, philosophies, and techniques are now available to people and pets around the world. Sign up for courses and learn training methods that will transform your life.

PupScouts Academy

This pack of dogs meets once a week for a 3 month intensive training program in nature. WPA teaches all the essential skills an adventure dog should know. Learners are prepared for all of life’s adventures with you.

Human and dog must be on the same page in order to have the very best life together. We do the hard work for you, setting a strong foundation, teaching your dog the most important skills, expectations, and commands to improve the quality of your lives. Learn more…

Video Analysis of Your Dog

Solve training and behavior challenges and experience a deeper connection with your dog through our Video Analysis. If you're grappling with confusion over your dog's behavior or facing training roadblocks, Toby is your go-to expert. Share up to 20 minutes of video footage, and Toby will reveal insights into your dog's world that you may have never seen or understood.

What's included: Within 10 days of submitting your video, Toby will provide a personalized video response encompassing an analysis of the situation, environment, and canine dynamics at play. You'll receive practical recommendations tailored to address your specific challenges, empowering you to make positive changes for your dog's well-being. Toby's expertise extends to decoding your dog's emotions, communication cues, and behaviors, offering strategies for a happier, more balanced life together.

Toby specializes in addressing a variety of issues with dogs. For this service, she can offer help with the following topics:

  • Leash-related challenges like pulling, barking, or reactive behavior

  • Off-leash training hurdles, including recall struggles

  • Overcoming fears or anxieties related to water activities

  • Outdoor adventures such as hiking, biking, or motorsports with your canine companion

  • Managing in-vehicle behaviors such as barking or restlessness

  • Fostering peaceful coexistence with other pets in your household

  • Navigating social interactions at dog parks, from entry to playtime dynamics

Let Toby illuminate the path to a deeper understanding of your dog's behavior, fostering a stronger bond and a more fulfilling companionship. Schedule today!