Dog Boarding at the Wild Pup House includes adventure and snuggles!

It’s hard to leave your family member when you go away. You want to know they are loved and cared for with the same quality that you provide. WPA makes it easy for you because your dog will be in the very best home environment, surrounded by their best fur-friends and their (other) favorite person. All guests stay at the Wild Pup House, the home of the Owner-Operator of WPA, Toby’s home. All dogs are treated like family and have the same privilege as Toby’s three dogs. Adventure boarding includes participation on all pack adventure days and around the clock care. Pups can sleep in bed and enjoy the spacious and fully fenced back yard. Most Wild Pups consider the WP House their home away from home. Dog boarding in Portland has never felt so much like home.

Wild Pup Adventure’s Club

VanLifePup Nomadic Boarding Trips

During the holiday season and in the summer, we take to the road for a boarding experience like no other. We camp and explore during a multi-day trip. For qualifying Club Members Only. Reservations are required in advance. Space is limited.



July 5th-8th

Mountain Goat Trip

Mt. Adams Area

$145 Per Night

It’s adventure time