The Essential Commands Every Adventure Dog Should Know

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Embarking on outdoor adventures with your furry friend can be exhilarating, but ensuring safety is paramount. At WPA, we understand the challenges of leading a pack of enthusiastic dogs through diverse terrains. That's why we prioritize safety, and today, we're sharing two essential commands that can make all the difference in your pup's outdoor experience.

Safety First: Navigating Challenges for Wagging Tails

As a seasoned adventurer leading a pack of 14 dogs through steep, narrow trails or careening downhill on an e-mountain bike, safety is always on my mind. Dogs walking too close pose risks not only to themselves but also to the human leader. Enter the two crucial commands that resolve the space-invasion challenge: "Go Ahead!" and "Go, Go, Go!"

Go Ahead! Command: Creating Safe Walking Spaces

The "Go Ahead!" command is a lifesaver when pack participants get too close or fail to maintain a safe walking distance. By instructing them to move forward and stay at least 5 feet ahead, this command ensures a clear path for the leader. It's a simple yet effective way to prevent accidents and keep everyone moving smoothly.

Go, Go, Go! Command: Urgency in Action

Picture this: hurtling downhill at 20 mph on an 80lb e-mountain bike with a pack of adventurous pups. The "Go, Go, Go!" command becomes indispensable in such situations. Uttered loudly and urgently, it signals to the pack that it's time to clear the path. This command is a must-have for any outdoor activity where the leader's trajectory is crucial for safety.

Interested in training your dog to master these commands? Stay tuned for our next blog post where we delve into the step-by-step process of ensuring your dog stays away from your feet and sporting equipment during adventures.

Does Your Dog Need Practice?

Wondering if your dog still needs to refine these commands? Keep an eye out for signs such as stepping on or crowding your feet during walks or hikes, sudden stops in front of you, or bumping into you at the dog park. Here's a sneak peek into how you can work on these behaviors:

- Home Practice: Set boundaries by not walking around your dog. If they're in the way, slightly nudge them.

- Command Reinforcement:Pair the nudge with a firm "Go Ahead" or "Go, go, go!" command.

- Consistent Training: Repeat until your pup responds to the verbal command alone.

Join the Wild Pup Adventures Pack!

These commands aren't just for our seasoned adventurers; they're essential for every dog looking to join the Wild Pup Adventure pack. Follow us on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook for more tips on training your pup and ensuring safe, wagging-tail adventures. Your dog's safety is our top priority at WPA, and we're here to help you make every outdoor experience a thrilling and secure one!


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